About the advantages of a permanent employment contract”Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag” in Germany

The types of employment contracts in Germany vary in terms of the time period applicable to this contract, the method of dealing with the employer, the number of working hours, and the advantages that distinguish it from other contracts. In view of German law, the employment contract is considered a private contract between the two contracting partners in order to establish a working relationship between them. In addition, the two contracting partners are called the employer and the employee.

There are many types of employment contracts in Germany. Some of these contracts are considered basic, such as: B Neben Job, Teilzeit Arbeits Vertrag, befristeter Arbeitsvertrag, and finally unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag. Everyone in Germany dreams of obtaining a permanent employment contract “Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag” because it has many features compared to other types.

The “Eguzelsozler.com” blog will explain what employment contracts (Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag) are, how it differs from other types, and what those in charge in Germany need to know about all its details.

What is the meaning of permanent employment contract?

It is the “unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag”. This contract is considered in Germany as an open contract with an indefinite period of time agreed upon by the employer and employee. Hence, it is meant that it is not related to dates, whether months or certain years.

Permanent employment contract: termination permissible? | SIEGFRIED

Through this contract, the worker gains many advantages and additional services, such as promotion and progression in the career ladder, in addition to many rewards. It is also distinguished as one of the most important employment contracts available in the state of Germany, in which the continuity of work is complete. The number of working hours is usually about forty hours per week, which equals eight hours per day.

In addition to some of these advantages, this contract is also characterized by the ability to terminate the contract through one of the parties to the contract, whether the employer or the worker, and of course through an official notification.

Components and form of a permanent employment contract in Germany:

Employment contract for an indefinite period

It is a written document based on cooperation between the worker and the employer, and it is called in Germany an employment contract. This employment contract contains all the basic data and information about the worker, in addition to the existence of mutual work conditions and rules between the worker and the employer, and their approval by both parties.

Among the advantages that the worker gets from the temporary science contract is that he gets many allowances, rewards and job promotions.

In the beginning, before writing the work contract, there is often a trial period called the open work contract, in which the contract between the worker and the employer is determined or not. The open employment contract in Germany is 6 months or three months. In most cases, the notice period during the trial period is four weeks. The legal period during the experimental work period is weekly.

What is the content of permanent employment contract in Germany?

The permanent employment contract (Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag) must include many conditions and contents. This is so that misunderstandings and disagreements do not occur between the worker and the employer, in addition to the fact that the contract is legal and legitimate.

The only danger in this contract is that the permanent employment contract cannot be considered before the labor court. However, the employment contract must include these points in any establishment, and the worker must verify the employment contract before signing it. It contains:

  1. Data about the nature of work, employer and employees.
  2. The start date of work.
  3. How long is the trial period, provided that it does not exceed 6 months?
  4. Nature of work, place of work, and reference to employment in many places.
  5. Work requirements and obligations.
  6. Work wages, fees, overtime, paid vacation, salary apportionment, and other components thereof.
  7. specified working hours.
  8. Annual leave.
  9. Warnings and alerts regarding errors and abuses at work.
  10. Examination of collective agreements, organization agreements or valid concessions
  11. Instructions, laws and regulations.

Advantages of permanent employment contracts in Germany

Permanent employment contract: content, sample, probationary period & termination

  • Permanent contracts are generally better than fixed contracts and the most important and fundamental advantage is security planning.
  • The worker can aspire to an indefinite position in theory.
  • This will reduce the stress and inability to plan for more than a year two years in advance.
  • In this case, the worker is not obliged to continue logging in as he is looking for work and submitting new applications at the end of the specified period.
  • Through the permanent contract, it is possible to search for a job, work, apartment for rent, family planning, or taking a car loan very simply and easily.

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