Any new skill requires a lot of time and effort, especially when it comes to learning a new language, and therefore this difficulty in learning a language requires patience, because the educated individual can feel frustrated and despairing because the results are not quick and progress is not palpable at the beginning, and so that the individual does not get injured in despair and frustration, there must be many things that one must do in order to effectively learn the new language.
Important tips for learning German
If individuals want to learn the German language, and do not know what they can do or where the way to start, there are more than nine instructions that an individual can follow, in short, they are the juice of great experiences for individuals with a high degree of experience in the German language. These instructions are:
1_ That the person determines what is the purpose or what motivates him to teach the German language. The goal can be clear and explicit for the individual wishing to learn the German language, because if the goal is not strong and clear, the individual will not complete the path he started in learning the German language, the clarity of the goal will make the individual complete the road to the end.
2_ The goal of a particular person may be to obtain a job of high standing, and the goal of another person may be to transfer his whole life to Germany or countries that speak the German language. Or any other goals of the individual, and the individual must always have a clear goal before his eyes and strive to achieve it.
3_ The person who learns the German language must continue to talk to himself and listen a lot to conversations in the German language, especially when the individual is closed with both eyes, and this is in the event that there is no person to exchange the conversation with you, so there is no objection to the individual conducting the conversation with himself, it may be This is crazy, but this is an effective way to practice any new language, because the languages are so old that they need practice. This is especially effective at times when you have no one else to talk to. In addition, this method helps the individual to have great self-confidence. When entering a new word in the individual’s linguistic dictionary, the individual who is literate of the language must repeat it to himself many times and times, and when the individual closes his eyes and imagines himself talking to one or several people, all of this helps the person to have self-confidence, and the next time he will be able to The individual has to start off with the new word for an actual person the next time.
- Practical application and training
Books, papers and references will not be a sufficient way for the individual to learn the German language or any other language. There must be multiple sources of learning in any new language. The learning in the theoretical way must also be accompanied by learning in the practical way. This goal is for the individual to learn through videos and recorded audio conversations. Language qualification is carried out through an electronic exam.
- I enjoy learning German
It is important for the individual to learn at the same time in an enjoyable and distinctive way through many means such as the radio and it is important to listen to speak the phonetics and the correct pronunciation, or through applications that can be downloaded simply and easily such as the application, which is an application that helps the great development in The use of language through listening and pronunciation, and one of the effective ways to teach the German language is to watch recorded films and videos of people who speak German, especially those films and cartoon videos that are directed primarily to the category of children, as they are entertaining and educational at the same time. YouTube is prepared for this purpose and includes many lists of cartoon films that have been translated into Arabic. They are important resources for all those who want to learn German. There are also our channels, DW and ARD, which are well-known German channels.
- Learn like a child
For example, children, children are good learners because when they hear a new word or learn a serious word, they keep repeating it continuously without shame or fear, and adults continue to laugh at the incorrect pronunciation of words, because the teeth do not learn right from wrong except through experience And the test, and in order for the individual to rise to the stage of mastery, he must go through a succession of mistakes, and like children, no new educated individual can be familiar with all the words and terms, the individual must have a motive to continue learning and know everything new and different.
7- Always learn German vocabulary with the material
Learning through articles and newspapers is very important, articles and periodicals written in German are very necessary, and while learning new vocabulary, the individual must be aware of the difference in the form of words and definition and not, such as “house and home”. And if the method of articles and learning through them is important from the beginning, it will be a wonderful addition to the learner, because through it, many errors and damages can be prevented in advance. Recommendations are given to any new learner that he should learn in the plural, then it can be called ‘home’ or homes.
8- Designing practical teaching aids for learning the German language
There are many psychological methods that can be used in order for a person to learn German terms faster, the individual can write new words or terms on distinctive and colored papers that he prefers, and put these papers in daily places close to or constantly frequenting them, for example, next to the coffee machine or in bathroom mirror. And when a person frequents these places during a day, he will pronounce them, focus on them, and learn them faster, and this method is considered one of the effective psychological methods.
9- Build donkey bridges and use them to trick your mind
There are words that are difficult and the mind of the individual does not accept to enter into it no matter how the person tries over and over. These words do not want to be fixed in the mind of the individual, so many tricks can be used to enter these words such as the “donkey bridges” trick, as it is a sign or an easy indicator or a short method It helps the individual to remember difficult words, and through a difficult word, the individual can build a story, event or song on it, all of these ways help to memorize difficult words.
All of these methods and means will draw attention and focus, and through the applications and programs for visualizing visuals, help language learners to put each similar group of words in one unit section and make it a distinctive color, in addition to giving the learner a comprehensive and broad view. And remember the German grammar, and then the learner can search for words by the color of the group or category of the word.