Job Center
Most of us hear about the Job Center, but, we don’t really know what the Job Center is :
- It is an official government department of the Federal Employment Agency called in Social Law in Austria, where everyone who has Austrian citizenship or a work permit in Austria has the right to register in the Job Center and receive unemployment benefits, which are aid and not salary.
- You get the benefit because you are unemployed. You are entitled to obtain material assistance from the state, in order to live a decent life, but this is subject to certain conditions and obligations that the beneficiary must follow.
Among these conditions:
You must inform the Job Center of all changes that occur in your personal life.
If it is proven that you are unable to work due to illness. You must provide the sick report within 3 days with the health insurance number for you and the people living with you and must inform them of the recovery and treatment period directly.
Obligation to inform the Job Center when starting a new job, moving or changing the bank account. The same applies when changing the family status, changing the name, obtaining a pension, and others.
If a new job is started for less than 15 hours per week, it is considered unemployment, in this case the work income must be proven by submitting an income certificate with EK form which includes child benefit, self-employment income, unemployment compensation, sick leave, rent, etc.
When the employee moves to another place, the consent of the responsible employee is required regarding whether the housing expenses are appropriate or not.
Accommodation in a place other than long-term residence Unless the employee agrees, you must inform the Job Center that you will be traveling outside the city in which you live.
The beneficiary must be able to attend all working days via personal mail.
You must register at the job center and sign the job center declaration that you will get from the employment agency.
As the job center is an official government place that helps unemployed foreigners in Germany to provide for their needs, which helps them in life’s difficulties, but not only help foreigners, but also German citizens.
Types of job center aids.
The main daily needs such as food, housing and clothing, and the amount is determined according to the person’s situation, but in terms of housing, the amount varies according to the region.
Additional needs such as a woman who raises children alone and a person who needs a certain type of food.
Needs such as bedding, home furnishing, pregnancy and childbirth, which are paid once.
Education needs and participation in cultural activities such as sports and school trips.
Expenses for amending and translating certificates.
It is also spent on people for a period of 6 months or a year, subject to renewal, and a person cannot know the entitlements, and he can object in the department about the amount due, as the department has a file for each family in the name of the husband or wife, and the children can request separation after the age of 18.